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hier die Anleitung: "Step by Step"

1. Make a bootable system floppy disk by typing [FORMAT A:/S] from the DOS prompt.

2. Download the BIOS file from MSI web page.

3. Extract the BIOS file into the bootable floppy.

4. Boot up system with the bootable floppy disk.

5. Run Award (Ex. Awdfl770) or AMI (Ex. amifl822.exe) Flash utility & follow the on-screen


6. After flashing the BIOS, reboot system, press [DEL] to go into BIOS setup.

7. Select [Load Setup Default] for or [Load Optimized Defaults] and press Key [Enter] and

press Key [Y].

8. Press Key [F10] than answer [Y] to reboot system again and finish upgrade procedure.

Beste Grüße


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