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Defaultfokus bei swing


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public boolean requestFocusInWindow() {

return requestFocusHelper(false, false);



     * Requests that this Component get the input focus, if this Component's

     * top-level ancestor is already the focused Window. This component must be

     * displayable, visible, and focusable for the request to be granted. Every

     * effort will be made to honor the request; however, in some cases it may

     * be impossible to do so. Developers must never assume that this Component

     * is the focus owner until this Component receives a FOCUS_GAINED event.

     * <p>

     * This method returns a boolean value. If <code>false</code> is returned,

     * the request is <b>guaranteed to fail</b>. If <code>true</code> is

     * returned, the request will succeed <b>unless</b> it is vetoed, or an

     * extraordinary event, such as disposal of the Component's peer, occurs

     * before the request can be granted by the native windowing system. Again,

     * while a return value of <code>true</code> indicates that the request is

     * likely to succeed, developers must never assume that this Component is

     * the focus owner until this Component receives a FOCUS_GAINED event.

     * <p>

     * This method cannot be used to set the focus owner to no Component at

     * all. Use <code>KeyboardFocusManager.clearGlobalFocusOwner()</code>

     * instead.

     * <p>

     * The focus behavior of this method can be implemented uniformly across

     * platforms, and thus developers are strongly encouraged to use this

     * method over <code>requestFocus</code> when possible. Code which relies

     * on <code>requestFocus</code> may exhibit different focus behavior on

     * different platforms.


     * @return <code>false</code> if the focus change request is guaranteed to

     *         fail; <code>true</code> if it is likely to succeed

     * @see #requestFocus

     * @see java.awt.event.FocusEvent

     * @see #addFocusListener

     * @see #isFocusable

     * @see #isDisplayable

     * @see KeyboardFocusManager#clearGlobalFocusOwner

     * @since 1.4


    public boolean requestFocusInWindow() {

        return requestFocusHelper(false, false);


Gruß Jaraz

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