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Webcam in HTML-Site


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HI Leute!

Ich möchte gerne eine Webcam in eine HTML-Site einbinden.

Der Quellquode sieht so aus, und funktioniert auf der Originalseite, aber nicht bei mir!!!!!! WARUM NICHT???




<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">

<title>Blick aus dem LAG</title>




<h2>Blick aus dem LAG</h2>

<!-- Cut from here to the end of image display comment -->

<!-- Note: If you do not see a JavaScript below in the view source window you must -->

<!-- first save the html file from your browser, then open the saved -->

<!-- file in a text editor, for instance Notepad.-->


// Set the BaseURL to the url of your camera

// Example: var BaseURL = "";

// Since this file is located inside the unit itself, no base url is specified here

var BaseURL = "";

// DisplayWidth specifies the displayed width of the image.

// You may have any number here, the effect will be horizontal

// strech or shrink of the image

var DisplayWidth = "320";

// DisplayHeight specifies the displayed width of the image.

// You may have any number here, the effect will be vertical

// strech or shrink of the image

var DisplayHeight = "240";

// This is the filepath to the video generating file inside the camera itself

var File = "axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=320x240";

// No changes required below this point

var output = "";

if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(navigator.platform != "MacPPC")&&(navigator.platform != "Mac68k"))


// If Internet Explorer for Windows then use Java Applet

output = "<APPLET ARCHIVE=AxisCamApplet.zip CODEBASE=\"";

output += BaseURL;

output += "java/\"";

output += " CODE=AxisCamApplet.class HEIGHT=";

output += DisplayHeight;

output += " WIDTH=";

output += DisplayWidth;

output += ">";

output += "<PARAM NAME=\"StreamLocation\" VALUE=\"";

output += BaseURL;

output += File;

output += "&showlength=1\">";

output += "</APPLET>";


function stopit() {






// If not IE for Windows use the browser itself to display

output = "<IMG SRC=\"";

output += BaseURL;

output += File;

output += "&dummy=garb\" HEIGHT=\"";

// The above dummy cgi-parameter helps some versions of NS

output += DisplayHeight;

output += "\" WIDTH=\"";

output += DisplayWidth;

output += "\" ALT=\"Moving Image Stream\">";




<!-- End of image display part -->


Ich hoffe jemand hat eine Idee!!!!

CU soon


<FONT COLOR="#a62a2a" SIZE="1">[ 14. September 2001 12:50: Beitrag 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von KimH ]</font>

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Ja tut er!!

Wenn ich die Seite öffne sieht auch alles ganz gut aus, aber es erscheint kein Bild. Wenn ich dann mit der Maus über die Stelle fahre, wo eigentlich das Bild sein sollte, sagt mir der Browser: Applett gestartet. So langsam verstehe ich gar nichts mehr!! :confused:

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