jghj Geschrieben 24. Juni 2006 Geschrieben 24. Juni 2006 Hallo Forum, welches Signal kann ich wo abfangen, wenn eine JComboBox geöffnet wird? Ich möchte erst beim aufklappen die anzuzeigenden items erstellen. danke im voraus mfg jghj Zitieren
geloescht_Newlukai Geschrieben 24. Juni 2006 Geschrieben 24. Juni 2006 Hier die Meinung der JavaAPI: Although JComboBox inherits methods to register listeners for low-level events — focus, key, and mouse events, for example — we recommend that you don't listen for low-level events on a combo box. Here's why: A combo box is a compound component — it is comprised of two or more other components. The combo box itself fires high-level events such as action events. Its subcomponents fire low-level events such as mouse, key, and focus events. The low-level events and the subcomponent that fires them are look-and-feel-dependent. To avoid writing look-and-feel-dependent code, you should listen only for high-level events on a compound component such as a combo box. For information about events, including a discussion about high- and low-level events, refer to Writing Event Listeners (in the Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing trail). Aber es ist wohl machbar mit einem PopupMenuListener. Einfach per addPopupMenuListener einbinden. Zitieren
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