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Konzept gefragt: Server-spiegelung (genauer: Dateisystem-spiegelung)

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Wir machen eine Aussenstelle auf, mit zwei brandneuen Servern (IBM x226) gehts los.

Ein Server soll den anderen "spiegeln". Flache Dateien und CVS.

Beide führen Redhat Workstation 4 aus (übrigens).

Dort gibt es kein Bandlaufwerk, d.h. alte Versionen müssen "manuell" aufbewahrt werden.

Möglichkeit 1.)

- ext3 kann Snapshots, gell? Dann wäre alles auf einer Maschine, gell?

Möglichkeit 2.)

- Nachts wird ge-rsync-t.

Montags ins Verzeichnis server2:/vol1/Montag

Dienstags ins Verzeichnis server2:/vol1/Dienstag...

Möglichkeit 3.)

- ???

Möglichkeit 4.)

- ???

Server 1 hat 500 GB netto, Server 2 hat 1200 GB netto, jeweils RAID5 mit Spare.

Danke fürs Gehirnzellen-rauchen-lassen.

  • 2 Wochen später...


Nun habe ich rsnapshot installiert.

Die hourly-Jobs macht er, die Daily-Jobs aber nicht (erzeugt nicht

mal ein entsprechendes Verzeichnis im Dateisystem)

Ausschnitt aus der crontab

0 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot hourly

50 23 * * * /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot daily

40 23 1,8,15,22 * * /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot weekly

Ausschnitt aus der /usr/local/etc/rsnapshot.conf

interval hourly 6

interval daily 7

interval weekly 4

interval monthly 3

Damit der rsnapshot immer was "findet" lasse ich cron auf der

"Quellmachine" jede Minute eine neue Datei erzeugen (das klappt auch)

bash-3.00# cat /root/rsynctest/li11neuedatei.sh

/bin/echo xx`/bin/date +%Y%b%d-%H%M%S`

>/tmp/schrott/li11neuedatei-`/bin/date +%Y%b%d-%H%M%S`

bash-3.00# cat /root/rsynctest/li11grossedatei.sh

/bin/echo xxx`/bin/date +%Y%b%d-%H%M%S`


Wo liegt mein Denkfehler?


  • 4 Wochen später...

http://www.drbd.org/ :)

vorraussetzung wäre, dass beide Systeme gleich konfiguriert sind und die Nutzdaten auf dem drb-device landen.

Andere möglichkeit: mit linux-vserver arbeiten und den kompletten vserver auf dem drb-device speichern. - nutze ich selbst, ist eine einfache aber recht saubere lösung :)

Wenn eh zwei Server da sind wovon einer standby ist, kann man auch schön mit heartbeat arbeiten :)

vorteil von der aufteilung in vservern: sollte ein vserver zu viel last erzeugen lässt sich sich problemlos auf ein anderes (neues) Wirtssystem umziehen.

wenn du fragen dazu hast entweder hier oder per icq.

  • 1 Monat später...


Die Snapshots werden grundsätzlich gemacht, aber zu sehr komischen Zeitpunkten

LI11 ist die Quellmaschine, LI12 ist die Zielmaschine. Untige Dateien sind von der LI12

-bash-3.00# cd /.snapshots/

-bash-3.00# ll

insgesamt 48

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 29. Nov 00:27 daily.0

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 28. Nov 00:24 daily.1

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 27. Nov 00:22 daily.2

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 26. Nov 00:24 daily.3

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 25. Nov 00:25 daily.4

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 24. Nov 00:26 daily.5

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 23. Nov 00:20 daily.6

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 21. Sep 17:57 monthly.0

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 16. Nov 00:17 weekly.0

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 9. Nov 00:19 weekly.1

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 5. Nov 00:22 weekly.2

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 26. Okt 00:25 weekly.3

Die Crontab sieht so aus

# 0 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot hourly

50 23 * * * /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot daily

40 23 1,8,15,22 * * /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot weekly

30 23 1 * * /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot monthly

Hat jemand ne Idee,

- warum die letzte "Monatssicherung" schon über zwei Monate zurückliegt?

- warum die weekly Sicherungen zu eigenartigen Zeitpunkten laufen

(zwischen 26.Okt und 5.Nov liegen mehr als 7 Tage)

(5. Nov, 9. Nov, 16. Nov aber nicht am 23.Nov.) ?

Die Maschine läuft 24 Stunden am Tag. Sicher wird innerhalb einer Woche mind. eine Tage verändert.

-bash-3.00# du daily.0 | wc -l


Danke für deine Idee.

-bash-3.00# more /usr/local/etc/rsnapshot.conf


# rsnapshot.conf - rsnapshot configuration file #


# #


# #

# This file requires tabs between elements #

# #

# Directories require a trailing slash: #

# right: /home/ #

# wrong: /home #

# #





config_version 1.2




# All snapshots will be stored under this root directory.


snapshot_root /.snapshots/

# If no_create_root is enabled, rsnapshot will not automatically create the

# snapshot_root directory. This is particularly useful if you are backing

# up to removable media, such as a FireWire or USB drive.


#no_create_root 1




# LINUX USERS: Be sure to uncomment "cmd_cp". This gives you extra features.

# EVERYONE ELSE: Leave "cmd_cp" commented out for compatibility.


# Note: Linux users with gnu cp/coreutils version > 5.3, should leave

# cmd_cp commented out, since cp fails to create destination directories

# with a trailing slash for versions 5.3 or later.


# See the README file or the man page for more details.


#cmd_cp /bin/cp

# uncomment this to use the rm program instead of the built-in perl routine.


cmd_rm /bin/rm

# rsync must be enabled for anything to work. This is the only command that

# must be enabled.


cmd_rsync /usr/bin/rsync

# Uncomment this to enable remote ssh backups over rsync.


cmd_ssh /usr/bin/ssh

# Comment this out to disable syslog support.


cmd_logger /usr/bin/logger

# Uncomment this to specify the path to "du" for disk usage checks.

# If you have an older version of "du", you may also want to check the

# "du_args" parameter below.


#cmd_du /usr/bin/du

# Uncomment this to specify the path to rsnapshot-diff.


#cmd_rsnapshot_diff /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot-diff

# Specify the path to a script (and any optional arguments) to run right

# before rsnapshot syncs files


#cmd_preexec /path/to/preexec/script

# Specify the path to a script (and any optional arguments) to run right

# after rsnapshot syncs files


#cmd_postexec /path/to/postexec/script



# Must be unique and in ascending order #

# i.e. hourly, daily, weekly, etc. #


#interval hourly 6

interval daily 7

interval weekly 4

interval monthly 333



# All are optional, with sensible defaults #


# Verbose level, 1 through 5.

# 1 Quiet Print fatal errors only

# 2 Default Print errors and warnings only

# 3 Verbose Show equivalent shell commands being executed

# 4 Extra Verbose Show extra verbose information

# 5 Debug mode Everything


verbose 3

# Same as "verbose" above, but controls the amount of data sent to the

# logfile, if one is being used. The default is 3.


loglevel 3

# If you enable this, data will be written to the file you specify. The

# amount of data written is controlled by the "loglevel" parameter.


logfile /var/log/rsnapshot

# If enabled, rsnapshot will write a lockfile to prevent two instances

# from running simultaneously (and messing up the snapshot_root).

# If you enable this, make sure the lockfile directory is not world

# writable. Otherwise anyone can prevent the program from running.


lockfile /var/run/rsnapshot.pid

# Default rsync args. All rsync commands have at least these options set.


#rsync_short_args -a

#rsync_long_args --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded

# ssh has no args passed by default, but you can specify some here.


#ssh_args -p 22

# Default arguments for the "du" program (for disk space reporting).

# The GNU version of "du" is preferred. See the man page for more details.

# If your version of "du" doesn't support the -h flag, try -k flag instead.


#du_args -csh

# If this is enabled, rsync won't span filesystem partitions within a

# backup point. This essentially passes the -x option to rsync.

# The default is 0 (off).


#one_fs 0

# The include and exclude parameters, if enabled, simply get passed directly

# to rsync. If you have multiple include/exclude patterns, put each one on a

# seperate line. Please look up the --include and --exclude options in the

# rsync man page for more details.


#include ???

#include ???

#exclude ???

#exclude ???

# The include_file and exclude_file parameters, if enabled, simply get

# passed directly to rsync. Please look up the --include-from and

# --exclude-from options in the rsync man page for more details.


#include_file /path/to/include/file

exclude_file /root/rsync/excludelist1

# If your version of rsync supports --link-dest, consider enable this.

# This is the best way to support special files (FIFOs, etc) cross-platform.

# The default is 0 (off).


#link_dest 0

# When sync_first is enabled, it changes the default behaviour of rsnapshot.

# Normally, when rsnapshot is called with its lowest interval

# (i.e.: "rsnapshot hourly"), it will sync files AND rotate the lowest

# intervals. With sync_first enabled, "rsnapshot sync" handles the file sync,

# and all interval calls simply rotate files. See the man page for more

# details. The default is 0 (off).


#sync_first 0

# If enabled, rsnapshot will move the oldest directory for each interval

# to [interval_name].delete, then it will remove the lockfile and delete

# that directory just before it exits. The default is 0 (off).


#use_lazy_deletes 0




backup root@LI11:/nfs/ LI11/

backup root@LI11:/cvs/ LI11/

# TEST-BACKUP LI11 nur /tmp/schrott

# backup root@LI11:/tmp/schrott/ LI11/


#backup /home/ localhost/

#backup /etc/ localhost/

#backup /usr/local/ localhost/

#backup /var/log/rsnapshot localhost/

#backup /etc/passwd localhost/

#backup /home/foo/My Documents/ localhost/

#backup /foo/bar/ localhost/ one_fs=1, rsync_short_args=-urltvpog

#backup_script /usr/local/bin/backup_pgsql.sh localhost/postgres/


#backup root@example.com:/home/ example.com/ +rsync_long_args=--bwlimit=16,exclude=core

#backup root@example.com:/etc/ example.com/ exclude=mtab,exclude=core


#backup_script /usr/local/bin/backup_rsnapshot_cvsroot.sh rsnapshot.cvs.sourceforge.net/


#backup rsync://rsync.samba.org/rsyncftp/ rsync.samba.org/rsyncftp/

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