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Was haltet ihr für folgende Aufgabe ein angemessenes Gehalt. Stelle ist in Deutschland, auch wenn die Beschrebung englisch ist.




Shared service Helpdesk, end user PC/LAN support

Additionally supporting about 60 home offices across Germany and more

then 30 home offices in Eastern Europe

You will be responsible for supporting all sites above within the existing team

Primary Tasks PC Support:

- Install new and maintain existing PC’s and notebooks

- Implement and attach periphery equipment like modems, PCMCIA and others

- Support PC users locally and remote

Primary Tasks LAN Support:

- Perform cross-connects in data closets

- Make network connection to printers, PC’s and other network devices

- Troubleshoot network problems within the LAN

Primary Tasks Helpdesk:

- Manage and keep up-to-date trouble tickets

- Remote problem solving on the phone

- First level support for all IT request on the helpdesk


Experience in PC hardware troubleshooting and repair

Experience in PC software, particularly:

- Windows OS

- MS Office suite

- SMS, NAI, ePO and Remedy experience a plus

Basic understanding of LANs/WANs, associated equipment and cabling

- Any telecom experiences a plus

Experience with VPN and wireless solutions

Technical education in information systems


- Able to listen to, understand and respond to customers of all

levels in a timely and professional manner

- Strong interpersonal skills and customer orientation

- Excellent verbal and written communication skills

- Experience managing multiple projects with diverse requirements

and competing priorities

Bilingual skills is a must (English & German)

Long time experience in all areas above


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Fachinformatiker.de, 2024 by SE Internet Services


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