Grumtsch Geschrieben 21. Dezember 2006 Geschrieben 21. Dezember 2006 Hallo zusammen, ich hatte diesen Post schon einmal für die englischsprachigen Citrix support Foren verfasst! Dort erhielt ich kaum Hinweise auf ein sinnvolles Vorgehen. Daher hier noch einmal der original englische Post: Hello altogether, we are using citrix presentation Server 4.0 with some desktop Pcs and a lot of Neoware thin clients. For the thin clients we are publishing a windows desktop environment, with different applications, Lotus Notes, Office, IE and a lot of more. The performance is fine. There are 6 servers, which aren`t working under full capacity yet. They are serving ~70 users. Now a problem occurs, there are about 25 thin client users, 2 of them, have a huge performance problem. In Lotus Notes the moving of mails from one folder to another also happens in slow motion, when you want to display pictures with the Internet Explorer for example this takes a while too. All operations on these 2 clients are quite slow. Yesterday I exchanged the thin clients with new ones... the problem disappeared, performance was great. But today, after the login in the morning, the problem occurs again. I want to mention, that a lot of users are working with identical constructed thin clients, with identical software variants without problems. In addition we have already recreated user profiles. I think we could exclude network and hardware Problems, because it worked yesterday without problems. The thin clients are running with neowares latest software release. Any Ideas? Die Situation hat sich insofern geändert, dass wir das Netzwerk geprüft haben... Alle User in dieser Etage hängen auf demselben Switch, die Ports und die Geschwindigkeitseinstllungen wurden überprüft. Ich habe keine Idee mehr, wie wir vorgehen sollen. Zitieren
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